I will fly you high upon my shoulders,
Reach as far as my wings can fly,
Leave you upon the highest mountain within my reach.
When I am no longer of flesh and blood,
Imprint your footsteps on a path of your own.
From the mountain I place you upon as the foundation,
Launch your young life to fly as high as you can.
Do not strive to be as me, I have run my race with the wolves,
Start from where I end, there is no need to retrace my steps,
Instead soar in the winds of heaven known as life,
From where I cease to be, find your way through life’s maze,
Discover paths I never traversed, your journey is for you to own,
Falter not in fear of doubt, my strength I have instilled within you,
When I am no longer of the flesh, I will ever be your guiding light,
At times when you falter, you will hear my gentle voice,
Feel my hands upon you as I stand you back on solid ground,
Know in all your heart my son that you will never walk alone.
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