As I lay in the dark of the night; so perfectly still in a haunting silence,
I see you move like silent shadows; swiftly and surely, your sense of purpose so strong,
The heavenly robes you wear; made of a fine texture,
The colours so brilliant; blinding to my simple human eyes,
Oh! Sweet man of colours; where do you come from?
You silently visit; this humble home of mine,
Why me I ask thee; what is to become of me?
You just smile; a tender loving smile,
Letting me know; you are of the same source as me.
This restless road to nowhere; that I know as life,
It is a path of learning; you simply say,
Hence the desire to keep on moving; you keep alive with a silent gesture,
A gentle push; when I choose to stand still,
Time stands still for no man you say; thus I must keep moving,
You move in strange ways; beyond my skill of reason,
You grant me much wisdom; as I walk a path filled of divine wisdom,
You walk by my side like an angel; sent from another kingdom and time.
It has been so long now; since we first met,
You came at a time; when my life was so blue,
I knew a sweet girl; who had to go on a journey of her own,
You helped me to see; through the sadness that clouded my vision,
Today I walk with a purpose so strong; my vision much clearer,
Life and its many mysteries; created in a physical dimension,
A school of schools; purely for the learning of a divine Soul,
You guide me to where I am to be; away from where I should not be,
You bring unto me; all the tools I need to be,
At each hurdle that binds me; your love and strength you grant me,
When all seems lost; healing love you send down unto me.
As I walk this vast earth; filled with many,
The problems of others you help me to see; a helping hand I pause to be,
Times and places coincide; with a synchronicity too good to be,
I often ask; where this winding path is leading me?
Perhaps I shall silently listen; allow what is meant to be,
As you walk by my side; through this twisted maze of webs,
In my father’s mansion; you have shown me to be home,
A man of colours the same as you; he who walked ahead of me,
I thank you my friend; forever a brother you shall be,
Bound through the love; that created you and me,
May these simple words always be; my thanks for all you have done for me.