A beautiful wild land so far away; my feet first learn to walk on hot sands,
Starting the journey of this life; we pass through ever so briefly,
The lessons come and the lessons go; each developing the Soul,
As each layer of the onion is shed; the closer we get to the centre,
With each layer exposed; a new reality in our beliefs.
The sleeping Soul awakens; with each tender experience,
The winds of life continue to blow; the mysteries of the physical unfold,
The joys and the sorrows; give meaning through the depth of experience,
The constant spiral inwards; to expose our very core the purpose,
The nirvana we all yearn for; do you really exist?
We hold all that is true; letting go of all that is frivolous,
The outdated baggage that we carry; weighing us so heavy,
Making each step a labour; slowing a Souls hunger, an inner yearning,
The truth exposed in due course; through the many emotions of the physical,
The impatience and the reluctance both nudged; guided by the path of life.
Once again as I stand on solid ground; the yearnings slowly get clearer,
The chill winds that stagnated my wings; slowly but steadily turn warm,
The flutter of a beating heart quickening; the tremor felt through my being,
Reflecting on the roads already travelled; cleansing the slate,
Ready to scribe new chapters; etch in script the story of all that I am.