Conceiving me; you laboured my birth,
You gave me life; the first breath of my passage,
With silent tears; you believed in me, your prodigal son,
Your faith never faltering; even when I wavered,
You lovingly donated your cause; for the growth of your children.
A father lost when I was but young; this day I have feared,
A shadow in my heart; a hurdle I knew I must surmount,
With your last breath; you still gave me a chance to overcome,
A long-lived fear; a cross I had to overcome,
But then you always gave; with a selfless smile and never a doubt.
Unburdened now by an aging vessel; your spirit now free,
To roam the streets; of heaven’s kingdom,
Be with your love all eternal; your love for a partner so true,
Bask in the love you held in your heart; till this day dawned,
I will still touch you; through the fog that veils our worlds.
Rest your weary heart; your journey now successfully completed,
You have earned your divine rest; may your spirit now soar free,
Riches you never sought; yet you were rich in the love of so many,
The many hearts you have touched; it would field an army,
As a nation celebrates its Mothers; a single white dove takes flight,
Spiralling upwards; to her place in eternity.
I say adios my mother, my friend; till we meet again.
