I was born unto the river; the great river of life,
I came alone; as I shall leave alone,
I was born unto a family; who answered my calling,
They brought me into a life; a state of grand illusion,
Simply for the purpose; of sharing in learning,
We see in each other; that what we wish to see,
But will you ever know me; the totality of my being,
No, my sweet young friend; you will never know me,
You may hold my face; as you say you love me,
But still, you never hold me; no not really,
For I am an energy; what you hold is only earthly,
You speak my name; but you know not my name of yesterday,
You claim that you see me; yet you do not really see me,
For you only see; that what you wish to see,
Your eyes are not mine; as mine are not yours,
That what you see; is not what I see,
For that what you see; is naught but an illusion,
An illusion; of what you wish me to be.
Did you love me when I was thy slayer; as you did whilst I was your lover,
Did you love me when I was thy foe; as you did when I was thy friend,
Did you love me when I was the villain; as you did when I was the victim,
Did I not steal from thee; still this earths gold I gave unto thee,
I am an instrument of death; as I am a giver of life,
I am the fire that burns; as I am the light that nurtures,
You say I am the Satan; but is that not thy own reality,
As it is; when I am thy creator’s own helper,
I am the saint as I am the sinner; and all that is within,
For without black; what reality has white,
Does not the slayer get slain; to know its reality,
Thus, I say to thee; life is an illusion,
To experience a reality; the reality of your being.
Dear sweet child; born of a God,
I gave life unto thee; from the depths of my loin,
But you my sweet child; you will never know me,
The real me, the one within; not the illusion,
You speak my name; but is that not a reality only unto me,
For I do not own thee; I just give the best I can give thee,
Your path in trust; you must faithfully follow,
I am but only; what you need me to be,
I will grant thee my love, my strength; all I can give unto thee,
But you will never know me; as my own mother never knew me,
For I am an illusion; for the purpose of learning.
I live solely for nourishment; of my divine Soul,
All I seek in this life; is to love humanity with all my might,
I may hold a knife; among a bed of roses,
As I hold a rose; among a den of thieves,
I have shown you the right and wrong; the black and white,
The choice remains yours; for I am an illusion,
As you blink your eyes; I shall be gone,
Beyond your existence; to another dimension,
Remember sweet child; I was only a reality for an instance of time,
For I briefly live in this life; a state of grand illusion.