As I amble along slowly but surely; along a windy road, the path of life,
Surrounded by the many colours; things of great beauty,
Cool clear water; the lush green trees,
Sweet song birds fill the sky; during warm sunlit days,
The faraway stars glow in the dark; on long cold nights,
All these I see and wonder; how it all began, in days gone yonder,
The past, the present, the future; all true, for an instant of time,
Why am I here, what do I seek; where is the end?
A small speck; in a very large ocean,
Searching for the answers; of things I once did forget,
My heart is so tired; I cannot sleep at night,
They say life is so simple; when one is at home,
But where is this home; where could it be?
Does it lay hidden; beyond my frail vision?
Will I ever find it; as I walk this strange land?
I understand black and white; the many shades of grey,
But what is right and wrong; the many variations of its form,
I understand man and his machines; the fields of his science,
The works of the material; man’s flight to the moon,
All this I can learn; at a time that I choose,
But what of my vehicle; my body, mind and Soul?
What is memory; what is thought?
What are my emotions; what are my dreams in the still of night?
What is my life source; where does it come from?
What makes it all happen; who shows me my part?
Who shows us each; where we fit in to the puzzle?
The game of life; what purpose does it serve?
Is there a great need; for the answers I seek?
Are we alone; or are there others that move in the night?
Are we part of a whole; thus our lives entwined,
To create the play; the play of life,
Are we the actors; as well as the audience?
If life is the play; perhaps the stage is this great land of clay.
Father is it thy will; that I walk by this way,
To learn of the truth; so complete and true,
To learn from each lesson; that you gently guide me through,
Do I lay among the flowers; fighting each dark demon?
Do I learn from each tear; as I cherish each smile?
The tears of today; are they the smiles of tomorrow?
Do I listen to thy voice; in the dark of the night?
Or do I fall from pillar to post; to show me the way?
Should I blindly run; to achieve my meagre goals?
Goals that simply fade, as soon as I conquer,
Should I work against my brother; to satisfy my own needs?
Do we all work together; to benefit the whole?
Is each unique one needed; as each piece in a jig-saw,
To complete the picture; to complete the whole,
Or do we all blindly stumble along; from hole to hole,
On a long windy road; on a journey unknown,
Or do we listen to thy soft voice; in the still of the night?
Yes my sweet friend; I shall listen to the one within,
To find all the answers; to the questions I seek,
As I slowly walk through; this journey of life,
Until I reach the great place; where the silence is truly golden.