The years of glory diminished, frail hands wither with age,
Many wrinkles etched deep, evidence of the years of my toil.
The days of flying like the mighty eagle now long gone,
Twilight is nigh upon me, a fallen leaf I soon shall be.
This tiny orb I hold, handed down through the ages,
Transfixed in deep reflection, my life’s mysteries unfold.
Gazing into this mysterious orb, I see the passages of time,
Those who walked before me, speak of many mysteries untold.
I see my young heart, brave and strong in days long gone,
Embracing life in my youthful hands, I feared no nemesis,
I walked where I will with no fear, life I aimed to conquer,
In this orb I now see a universe within a universe, all that is me.
Like this orb life has no start nor end, life’s fabric continuous,
Where one life ends another begins, the circle of life endures.
At times life is full of clarity, at other times the passage is hazy,
Bright days follow dark times; the spark of life strives to be.
As the end of my journey draws near, trust my heart is at peace,
Take this orb to behold, till it is time to pass on to the next.
Keep safe this orb of many mysteries, stories of ages lies within,
In times of doubt reflect upon the orb, therein you will find clarity.
Like a maze of mirrors, life holds many reflections of illusion,
The right path you must choose; trust in the orb to guide you.
When the time nears to fall as the leaf, you will know who is worthy,
The magical orb will show you who must be its next beholder.
Cover Image courtesy of @sxs.clough (Instagram)