Bags on his back; wheels no longer there,
He takes to the road; the destiny who knows where,
The highway leads him over the hills; the town unaware he is gone,
Silent tears soil the ground; but he does not look back,
Yesterday is of the past; tomorrow just a night away,
Is the road right or wrong; it matters to him not,
Alone he must walk; a Ronin on the loose,
Follow his way; a way of life, a path of choice,
The land of the golden sun and the wild blue sea; he leaves behind,
Walking along the dust filled streets; of a mining town,
He explores the elements; dug from the ground,
Akin to his body; made of the ground,
Alone he seems to be; except to those who can see beyond,
Clothed in a simple man’s robes; a warrior of the past stands tall,
By the side of the master less warrior he walks; never saying much,
Together they walk; to where the next lesson awaits.
The lessons are many; taught from life that surrounds him,
The tools of many; he learns to use,
The way of the sword; the way of the flower,
Ultimately the same; once their paths are learned,
The yin and the yang must be the same; a state of perfect balance,
As the atom in our creation; needs a balance to exist,
He must too; in all facets of life,
For as the atom can create; it can destroy all life, nuclear fission,
Thus, he plays his role; in each unique play,
The stage created; by the source, the Logos,
Guided to the place in time; by his friend and helper,
He is there to learn his lessons; play his simple role,
Protected by the love; of his silent and wise old friend,
Together they roam the hills of this land; joint by a silent bond,
A bond; they each will not break.
Friends of new he meets; each so unique,
The friends of the past; he happens to meet,
Each grown in their separate ways; paths of their own,
Like the branches grow; from the trunk of the old oak tree,
Each so different; still linked to the source,
Some are built of might; others of simplicity,
Each driven; by their different desires,
Some by the grandeur; some by the force of love,
Some stand closely knit; others stand alone,
Together they stand; to complete the whole,
The Ronin sees all; learning the paths of each,
He walks the vast lands; the lands of his home,
All for one reason; to unburden his roaming Soul.
