Gently clasping the wing of a raven, I fly towards the Moon,
Weaving through stormy clouds, we fly higher and higher.
The demure bird flies relentlessly, flapping glistening wings,
I do not know where this journey ends, in total trust I fly.
Through sunshine and rain, rainbows and clouds we soar.
This journey so new to me, for I am a creature of the land,
The skies so alien, my feet so far above solid ground.
The raven flies deftly with purpose, trustingly I hold on,
My heart quivers in vulnerability, my face lights up in a smile.
In total faith I leap into a void, against all odds I fly.
Many questions crowd my mind, a deafening noise resides,
What if the raven lets my hand go as we soar high up in the sky?
Will I survive the fall? It is a long way from solid ground.
Perhaps the oceans beneath may save my fall, maybe I survive,
Picking up the pieces, stand myself back up on firmer ground.
The raven casts her eyes my way, a reassurance fills my mind,
Is the destination known or does the raven fly blind of direction?
In total surrender I hold on, trustingly I nurture our loving bond.
Unexpected I gave my heart, willingly I accepted the ride offered,
Anxiousness follows delight, but in total trust, with a raven I fly.

Image credits to Pinterest